Heart Care

Processing Our Pain, Together

On June 24th, 2024, UNIFY Marriage hosted a meeting for those affected by the recent news surrounding Gateway Church. In our time together, we came to the Lord and walked through an exercise that the Lord showed to Luke and Kathy. This exercise walks through a step-by-step approach to going to the Lord for comfort and care.

Please use the video recording of our meeting and the handouts below to go to the Lord to get care for your heart.

Heart Care Meetings

Session 1

Recorded June 24th, 2024

Session 2

Recorded July 1st, 2024


These handouts were referenced throughout the video. We pray you come away with the comfort only God can give.


Taking Our Hearts to the Lord

Emotions/Feelings List

Original Letter

Kathy and I, along with many of you have been going through some deep, difficult, heart-wrenching situations and we need to stop and spend some dedicated time to work through letting God care for our hearts.

We know that God is able to comfort us and we need it. We feel impressed that there are many who are hurting, angry, and confused just to name a few emotions. We can go to the Lord and get care for our broken hearts. 

We invite you to join us as we look to God and His word to get the comfort that he promises.

We will be going through a spiritual exercise the Lord showed us many years ago and many have found it to be profoundly helpful in allowing God to comfort them.

Please download the handout, Taking Our Hearts to the Lord, as we will be referencing it during our time together. Also, download the Emotion/Feeling List provided to reference during the exercise.

We are going to our God for heart care.We need it. He is willing to care for us and is simply waiting for us to stop long enough to ask and receive. Together, let’s get the comfort and care that we so desperately need.

Luke & Kathy
Founders of UNIFY Marriage